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Risk Monitor

Business intelligence. Protecting your organisation.

Continuously monitor and respond to potential risks which may threaten your reputation, your brands and your financial status.

Risk Monitor provides an early warning system for potential threats to your organisation. It monitors thousands of traditional media and online sources to alert you immediately to commercial threats.

Safeguard against potential risks to your business, financial status and reputation

  • Monitor 49,000 traditional media and online sources.

  • Track up to 100 specific entities: including companies, executives, shareholders, customers and suppliers.

  • Sort risks into five distinct categories: Corporate Governance, Financial, Economic & Political, Environmental and Social.

  • Receive immediate updates when potential threats to your business arise.

  • Create personal alerts, newsletters and RSS feeds to share information with colleagues.

Fraudulent activity or association with the wrong supplier, customer, person or country can cost you millions.

Read our brochure or call us on 020 7400 2984 to arrange a meeting and find out more.

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and a FREE trial on
020 7400 2984
or contact us

  • Download our new White paper
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